Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Sugar Shack - Camper Chronicles Pt 6

I want to slip a little update on the trailer in because Brian has been hard at work while I was in Florida and I couldn't be more proud of him.

He got the deck and fence all put in and it turned out perfectly. I helped out with the frame and deck boards, but he finished everything off and did the fence solo.
Now that it's finished, I set up the Adirondack chairs I got for $10 and can't get enough of the dreamy afternoon light up there. I also got some outdoor lanterns to line the little pathway up to the door that are on a timer.

We're waiting for it to warm up and dry out a tad before we stain it as it's been snowing and freezing here the last couple of weeks.

He also buttoned up all of the water/septic/electric stuff that had to be finished before it was good to go.
I'm also pretty excited about the silverware I scored on Ebay for $'s surprisingly high quality and is just pretty adorable if you ask me.
So now, I'm just getting the inside finished and getting ready to clean up outside, get some plants for the patio and clean up the mess that we've created.

My next post on the Sugar Shack will be the final post (except for when we paint the outside...which isn't going to happen anytime soon, I'm affraid),ready to go with pictures that I'll be using for the Airbnb post.
