Saturday, April 25, 2015

Digital Diary - Honanki Ruins

I woke up this morning to a chilly, drizzly day and absolutely no obligations. I grabbed a cup of coffee and made my way back to the random Forest Service road that I'd been wandering down on Friday, looking to explore the other side of the fork...Nonanki Ruins. As if the scenery wasn't gorgeous enough on a warm sunny day, the rain made the colors so much more vibrant and the tourists scarce. And to make it even better, it smelled heavenly out there...the wet soil and the flowers in full bloom, I couldn't get enough. Get ready for another case of picture overload! I started with a hike up Loy Canyon Trail, but only made it a couple of miles before the rain started coming down hard.

I got totally drenched, but it was so worth it

 After getting washed out of the canyon, I headed back to the car to watch the rain and eat a snack

I rested up for a bit, waited for the rain to let up just a tad, and then went down the road to the parking area for the Honanki Ruins
  I basically had the place to myself which is always nice :)

As I was walking back out to the parking area, the rain really started pouring hard, so I hustled back to the car and found a cozy spot to sit back and enjoy the solitude. There are tons of little camping sites all around here, so I think I may need to come up and spend the night soon. I still need to make it all the way through Loy Canyon and check out Secret Mountain...

 After chilling there for a little while, it was time to start heading back home to start dinner. 

 I just drove along with the windows down and soaked it all up

On my way back, however, I caught a glimpse of something so pretty that I just had to check out.

 As I continued on, I found this little spot!
 And couldn't resist the sound of water running down the face of the rocks
 Days just don't get much better than this, ladies and gentlemen. 
