Jasper is 2 weeks old today!
He weighs 4.4 oz and his eyes have opened and his ears wiggle when he eats, he's fluffing up and I even gave him his first bath today and he loved being blown dry with my hair dryer :) He's so cuddly too, I just can't handle how sweet he is. Apparently, he isn't supposed to eat on his back, but whenever we feed him, he grabs his bottle with both paws and rolls over on to his back and curls up like a little baby and drinks and looks around, and it hasn't killed him yet, so we just kind of let him do it. I've nicknamed him Dino the Baby Dinosaur because, whenever his little bottle gets clogged or his food is not quite warm enough, he slaps it wildly with his little paws and screams like a baby dinosaur and it's just the cutest thing ever. He's still so tiny and I secretly hope he never gets any bigger, just grows into an independent little kitty so I don't have to feed him and make him go poo constantly. I'm just a little bit obsessed with him <3