Monday, May 1, 2017

Four Weeks

I've managed to keep Jasper alive for 4 full weeks! He's growing so fast, it's crazy. I'm not taking him with me to work any more as he can climb out of his box and get into all sorts of trouble. Luckily, I live 3 minutes from the office, so I can run home a couple of times a day to check on him and feed him. He's up to 10.6 oz; is trotting around the house, exploring every nook and cranny, stalking his "prey" and pouncing, and getting closer to using the litter box all on his own. He's not too keen on drinking anything other than his formula from anything other than his bottle yet (except for the litter out of his box...). He makes the funniest noises NON-STOP and is cleaning himself a little bit more every day. Last night, I spent a solid hour playing hide and seek with him in his box and watching him run towards me and cuddling him. He rubs his nose on mine and I like to think he's giving me kisses when he does that :) He also has discovered the joys of belly rubs and rolls to one side and then the other. He's requiring more time at this age than he was when he was a newborn, and I think I'm paying closer attention to him now because he's mobile and therefore chewing on things, climbing up things, hiding inside things, and getting himself in precarious situations. It's awfully ambitious, but I'm hoping I can get him weaned and potty-trained in the next week...fingers crossed <3
