Finding myself awake, once again, at an ungodly hour this morning, I decided to drag myself out of the comfy coziness of my bed, make a pot of coffee, and make this time productive in some capacity. I crawled to the kitchen, and knowing that our particular model of coffee maker takes damn near a millenium to brew a full pot, began filling the water reservoir, only to notice that it was basically already full. Water sputtered and splashed, pouring out onto the hotplate and gurgled it's boiling remnants all over me. It occurred to me that last weekend, Dagwood had informed me that we were out of coffee, and he must have only noticed after starting the brewing process. Ahhh, life with boys. Boys that never finish what they start. So, while I wait for the water in the receptacle to brew itself out so I can actually begin a pot of divine nectar (which likely won't happen before I have to go to work), I thought I'd post up some pictures I took of my little hike yesterday.

The way this rock was positioned leads me to believe that it was there before that tree...which is pretty dang old. |
I started out on the Andante Trail and, upon accidentally making a wrong turn (I had intended a Summit hike), I wound my way onto the Thunder Mountain Trail to Teacup. It was a pleasant hike, though not one of the most spectacular I've been on. It's always nice to get out, get some fresh air, and clear my head...and though I had a few realizations this time around, as I usually do, they weren't particularly good ones: 1) Even though it's 33 degrees first thing in the morning, it takes no time at all to mozy up to 75, 2) I didn't have enough water, and 3) I'm getting old. But more on that another time...